Aomori Public Transport Portal Site

Aomori Travel Map

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22.37℃ Aomori shower rain


MegoICa regional IC card service is now availiable!

2023-03-03 13:55:25

The MegoICa IC card can be used on all Kounan Bus routes since 25 February 2023, 

By built-in Suica, payments can be made at transport facilities and shops throughout the country.

For detailed information on the service, please refer to related website of the Kounan Bus.

〇MegoICa related websites

Http:// _ 0131. pdf

Tourist Information Center

  • Aomori Station 017-723-4600

  • Shin-Aomori Station 017-722-6311

  • Hirosaki Station 0172-26-3600

  • Hachinohe City 0178-27-3243


Aomori Prefectural Government Transportation Policy Division
TEL:017-734-9151  FAX:017-734-8035  E-mail
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